The Russian private equity market is facing a structural change
Segezha Group sells its European packaging business
No longer a Finnish business. Who inherited Finnish companies that left the Russian market
The port operator in Murmansk region changes the ownership
Bosov's family sold their gas project (Pechora LNG) to a former Duma deputy
A German kick-boxer’s firm contends for the Oil & Gas project formerly developed by the Bosov family
Severnaya THPP (St. Petersburg) and Kirishi CHPP (Leningrad region) started modernization programs
The Volga River Museum and Soyuz-Multfilm Cartoon Pavilion: What will the family recreation park in Nizhny Novgorod look like?
A European investor to quit building a bio-fuel pellets production plant outside St. Petersburg
Looking ten years back: The reform of RAO UES, Russia’s power industry monopoly