

A pre-requisite for long-term and sustainable growth is a well-formulated business development strategy consistent at all its levels – from corporate to functional. Design and deployment of effective business development strategy helping to configure the best use of external opportunities and rational utilization of internal resources is a critical success factor to any project or business case.

A good use of strategic planning tools helps to develop effective leadership strategies for mature markets, as well as implementing growth and expansion strategies for the new and developing markets. Together with our Clients’ tops and specialists, we form a comprehensive vision of business development paths, define clear strategic goals and objectives and decompose business strategy into functional and divisional strategies.

Key service offerings

Entering new markets is one of the strategic options for extensive business development, and it has proved effective for a lot of companies due to country borders and particular market constraints. A business may benefit from entering a new geographic market, whether a neighboring country or another regional market, with its quality products or services that have already proven themselves in its home markets.

Thanks to a deep understanding of business culture differences and similarities, as well as an insight into investment and legal practices in different countries and markets, Investorium has long been helping foreign investors to enter the Russian market, and vice versa, assisting Russian investors to enter the EC markets, especially those of the Baltic and Nordic states.

Stable and continuous growth and development is the ultimate goal of any business. You may enjoy both extensive growth benefits of expanding your geographic coverage (new markets) or expanding and developing your product line (new product markets), as well as intensive development opportunities within your own organization by building up its profitability, market cap and shareholder value.

We assist our clients to develop and implement effective growth and leadership strategies to manage country-, industry- and project- specific risks and, most importantly, harmonize business development opportunities with reality, taking into account both availability of the clients’ own resources and market offerings (and constraints).

Readiness for change and timely restructuring or turnaround, as a response to growing competition, rapidly evolving markets and business growth challenges, is the key to further successful business development, or even its mere survival in some cases. We team up with our Clients to manage change in order to upgrade the current business, optimize its ineffective areas, free up extra resources and identify opportunities for further development.

We also offer our Clients a classic optimization and efficiency toolkit - business performance analysis, external business environment and competitive situation review, internal resources and competences audit, SWOT analysis, financial effectiveness, working capital management tools and other business development and restructuring toolkit in its practical implementation.

Our approach and methodology

A Client is rather your opponent than an ally, and you still need to prove the necessity of any change or action you advise, as it may not coincide with the Client’s own vision. If all you want is to ‘present your point of view’ or ‘sell your idea,’ you might fail, unless you are an authority and possess profound knowledge of the subject based on a proven track record of managing similar assignments.

  • Step 1
    Multi-level strategy design and development

    Setting up strategic goals and designing strategy consistent at all of its levels - corporate, business and functional

  • Step 2
    Functional strategies decomposition

    Corporate, business and functional strategies decomposition into operational plans for top management and heads of divisions

  • Step 3
    Strategy implementation and change management

    Strategy roll-out in the form of functional and divisional development programs and individual investment projects

  • Results
    Sustainable long-term business growth and shareholder value increase

You may need our expertise or advice on a similar project or business case. We are always there to help. Please, e-mail us or contact us by phone
